In today's modern era, you can reach Multan from Rawalpindi, Islamabad via motorway in seven hours, while the Thal Express, which leaves Rawalpindi at 7:20 am, completes its journey to Multan in sixteen hours, and it may be delayed even further at times.
The purpose of telling this is to invite those tourists who love train travel, whose faces cannot be touched by the dirt and dust of the train, who like the black smoke coming out of the train engine, who have no worries about when the train will reach its destination. Who like to get off at every station and hear the train whistle and then board the train, who do not care about the speed of the train and why it is running slowly, because they like the train journey and the passing scenery. Who like to pass through mountains, tunnels, rivers. This trip is for adventure lovers and not for those who like comfort.
The train passing through the Potohar, Hazara, Saraiki, Punjabi regions reveals the different cultures. We, the urban people, who thought that the burqa with a cap was obsolete, but after passing through there, we found out that the burqa with a cap is still being worn. People are still living without electricity and gas. There are still no paved roads in some areas, there are still checkpoints built by the British along the railway tracks. There is still a century-old system in the railways.

In the local train, harmony is quickly established with people. We talk to each other, the country's conditions are known, and the difficulties of life are estimated. To travel on the Thal Express, we three friends reached Islamabad from Sahiwal and stayed overnight. Golra Sharif Railway Station was close to our location and the Thal Express's time was 7:38, so instead of Rawalpindi, we booked a car from In Drive for Golra Sharif Station, which was outside the gate in two minutes. At seven o'clock, we had reached Golra Sharif Railway Station. This railway station is also considered one of the most beautiful railway stations in Pakistan and this railway station has also been given the form of a museum. The museum was closed early in the morning, so we spent time looking at the railway steam engines and bogies around.
The sunrise at Golra Sharif Railway Station and the chirping of birds on the centuries-old banyan trees was a mesmerizing sight. Another friend of ours was also supposed to join us from Rawalpindi Railway Station, who had boarded the Thal Express.
While taking photos, the station master kept calling us inside. Finally, we went to the station master's office to listen to him, and we heard the same old things that even tourists are prohibited from taking photos with cameras without a permit. I wonder when these people will change their minds that they can take photos with their mobile phones and not with cameras. In such a short time, our train had reached the platform and the eyes of our friend in the last carriage were searching for us. As soon as the train stopped, we rushed to the last carriage and hugged our fellow traveler. This was our first meeting with a Facebook friend.
As soon as the train started moving, we opened the back door of our last carriage. Seeing the beautiful view and the railway track from this door, our faces lit up. Seeing this view, we even forgot the jolts of the last carriage.
Now, along with enjoying the train journey, a non-stop stream of pleasantries had begun. After stopping at small railway stations, the Thal Express reached Attock Railway Station, where our dear tourist friend Arif Bhai was there to meet us. Arif Bhai has a big hand in promoting the mountain ranges and railway tunnels of Attock. He offered us tea and peanuts. As soon as the train whistled, we met Arif Bhai and boarded the train again. Now an elderly man had also boarded our coach with his goat.
As soon as the train left Attock, we turned to the back door of the coach because now the most beautiful scene of this journey was about to begin. The train had now entered the Kala Chitta mountain ranges, passing through the rivers and canals. We were lost in the black smoke coming out of the engine and the views of the mountains rising around the track. The train had entered the first tunnel. Sitting in the last coach of the railway passing through the Kala Chitta mountain tunnel is a magical experience. As the train enters the dark heart of the tunnel, the light left behind gradually fades and a silence prevails everywhere. The dense darkness inside the tunnel, the echo of the train wheels and the flickering of dim light were creating a unique feeling.

As the train emerges from the tunnel, the scenery changes abruptly. The arched structure of the tunnel left behind and the surrounding mountains, bathed in sunlight, present a magnificent picture. The view from the last carriage, the long, serpentine track of tracks, and the greenery stretching to the distant horizon, feels as if an artist has scattered colors on the canvas of his imagination.
The views from the last coach have a different kind of silence and tranquility. This view was a memorable experience while passing through the Kala Chitta hills. As soon as the last tunnel of the Kala Chitta hill ended, the train started slowing down and the train stopped in front of the beautiful railway station Jhalar near the entrance of these tunnels. We also got off quickly and took a few pictures, and at the same time the train whistled to start. The reason for the train stopping and starting at this railway station was to pass slowly through the continuously bumpy tracks.
Due to the mountainous terrain and bumpy railway line, the train's speed was 40 to 50 kilometers per hour. Sometimes we would enjoy the scenery from the train window, sometimes we would turn to the train door, and as soon as the train stopped at a station, we would get off at that station and take photos with its plaque.
The condition of the railway stations on this track was quite bad. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the Thal Express had reached Dawood Khel railway station. Now the mountain range had ended and the plains of Punjab had begun. On the way, we satisfied our hunger with the famous pakoras and roti at Jund station and had tea at Kandian railway station.
It was getting late and the train had entered the Thal area. The sandy ground around the railway track and the setting sun were presenting a beautiful scene. As soon as the train reached Bhakkar Railway Station, the darkness of evening descended. Now our journey continued in the darkness of night till Multan Railway Station. We friends enjoyed every moment of this journey and every railway station very much. This journey of Thal Express was truly a magical and enchanting journey.
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