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Death is real and we all believe and know that death has a set day, but we never imagined that death would start running on the streets of Karachi in the form of tankers with the blessings of the administration.

According to one news report, 482 people lost their lives in traffic accidents in Karachi in 2024. According to another report, this number is 601 people and 27 people have lost their lives in traffic accidents in the eleven days of the new year. If this trend continues at this average, then God forbid, the number in 2025 will definitely be more than 2024.

In any civilized society, traffic is a reflection of the general behavior of that society and it is the responsibility of the state to keep it within the ambit of the law. At present, tankers are spreading death on our roads and the state seems helpless in front of them or wants to appear helpless.

In any major city in the world, heavy traffic hours are set during which they can pass through the city and these are usually from night to early morning so that there is no disruption to daily civic life. Now if the administration were to shut off the water supply to the entire city for weeks, not days, without any alternative, then these tankers would also be seen delivering water and distributing death on the city streets throughout the day.

It is extremely unfortunate and even insensitive that a large number of the drivers of these tankers are young drivers and most of them do not have any license at all and they are driving these heavy vehicles without any license. Yes, if they have any license, it is a license to kill which only James Bond has in English movies and that too he gets after special training while the drivers of these tankers are doing this work without a license.

Is there any solution to this problem? There is no problem in the world that does not have a solution. First of all, the government has to determine whether it considers it a problem and whether it really wants a solution to it? Believe me, if the answer to this question is a sincere yes, then understand that half the problem has already been solved. Before we come to a formal solution, because the solution will mean strictly ensuring the implementation of the existing laws and issuing some new laws. This should not mean opening new doors for bribery, but rather its aim is to protect the lives and property of the people. For this, the following are suggestions:

The hours for tankers to enter the city should be set and strictly enforced.

Tankers should not be allowed on the road during school and office commuting hours, as people are in a hurry at that time and the accident rate is higher during these times.

All tanker companies and contractors should be required to hire only licensed drivers, and drug addicts should be prosecuted.

All tankers should be inspected periodically to check the performance of their brakes and other components.

The condition of the roads also needs to be improved because they are also a major cause of accidents.

Training of traffic police is also necessary so that they can ensure law enforcement.

Tankers, regardless of their organization or owner, should not be exempted from any kind of protection.

These are just a few suggestions, if implemented, these accidents can be significantly reduced. Finally, we would like to give some suggestions to motorcyclists and their families, and this concludes this article.

Parents of motorcyclists are requested that if your children have taken a motorcycle on their own or you have bought it for them, now it is your primary responsibility to keep an eye on it. Just getting them a motorcycle is not a duty, but it is also your responsibility to train them and make them believe in the importance of their own and other people's lives. Nowadays, usually the lighting in the motorcycles of young people is not arranged at all or it is damaged. The braking conditions are also usually poor. Just understand that this motorcycle is completely ready for any accident. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children's motorcycle is technically capable of riding so that accidents can be avoided.

Finally, some messages for the youth who ride motorcycles. Granted, there is a lot of thrill in speed, but there is also death. Breaking the law is not bravery, but following the law is bravery. Bravery is a virtue if it is within limits, otherwise the extreme of bravery is foolishness. For God's sake, save yourself from unnecessary speed and know the value and dignity of your life. You are the future of your family and the country and do not ruin it for a little haste.

Dare to imagine one day that your body is brought to your house as a result of a traffic accident and then see for yourself what happens to your family and what happens to them? If you have seen it once in your imagination, the next time your hand will not go beyond a certain and legal speed.

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