Halloween party ideas 2015

In the past, there were people with sensitive hearts who knew the rights of their neighbors, relatives, and siblings well. They did their jobs honestly, did not touch what was forbidden, and shunned bribery. Only then did their children become obedient, discerning, and honorable.

But alas, alas, now the trend has changed. People have fallen into the pit of greed to the point that they do not remember their neighbors or relatives. If they remember, they only remember money, brown, blue, green, Quaid-e-Azam. Otherwise, who remembers Quaid-e-Azam and how his hard work made this country possible? Today, bribe-taking hypocrites are found in abundance in every institution, just as they used to be noble in the olden days.

It is common to usurp people's rights and the funny thing is that there is no remorse either. Just as their ancestors slept with their minds buried under the soil, similarly today everyone's conscience has also died an accidental death buried under the soil. Otherwise they would have realized that those who have spent 30, 35 years of their blood, sweat, and tears, without caring about winter, summer, autumn, spring, and winter, have their own children and homes. Money is needed to run a house.

When he is in a job, the Accountant General of Sindh has a record of his salary, how much basic salary is there, how much gross, how much GP fund will be deducted, how much has been done, which allowances will be received, which ones will not? All the records are there. Which bank does the salary go to? Everything is written there in a record card, of which he gets a detailed pay slip every month, in which all the records are shown. But after retirement, it was made so difficult to get his dues that he sometimes has to go to the secretary, sometimes to the director, and sometimes to the regional director to get his own money.

But the file does not move forward for months until Quaid-e-Azam's brown, blue, green, and red wheels are installed in it. Pension also runs on basic. My question to the corrupt rulers sitting in the government of this country is, is it only you who feel hungry? Luxury is the right of only your children? Only you can travel in a car? Only you can eat food in good hotels? You can wear branded clothes, shoes, watches, and glasses? The person thanks to whom you have come to this point, set the goals of progress, retires and suffers the pressure of offices only so that if his dues are met, rations can come to his house, his children's fees, house rent, medicine, etc. are arranged.

Why don't these big bureaucrats, the rulers elected by our own votes sitting in the houses, take any action against this injustice? Why are the pension and gratuity files of the teachers hidden by showing their mastery only so that they can also give them a large share of the money they receive? Why are the teachers harassed by asking for records of everything even though the AG Sindh has the records? Why are they forced to face the pressure of the offices by raising new objections every time? Then we say that our country is not progressing.

In a nation where teachers are forced to work hard to earn their dues after teaching for thirty to thirty-five years, and it is possible to earn their money in a year or even more, then shame on such institutions that humiliate teachers. Then those societies are also humiliated and humiliated that push teachers every day from offices.

I request the authorities above to change the system. Don't take months or years to give the rightful owner his right. Make it easy to collect the dues. Until the dues are cleared, at least pay his pension in full. While the law has been issued that no one's pension will be stopped. If you visit the directorate today, you will find files of thousands of retired people lying in dust in the offices, which a teacher has been crying for months to get signed. Why?

Why is this process not made easy? While all the records are available in the Accountant General Sindh, why are all the paperwork not completed and their dues cleared as soon as possible? The authorities, the Supreme Court should take legal action on this and set a date to make it possible to obtain pension and dues. If anyone's pension file is delayed in the directorate for more than 15 days, a fine will be imposed. The rest of the institutions will also be bound within a month that no one's papers will be withheld. They will be immediately signed and sent to the AG Sindh.

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